The duck pond is a nice place where you can go to when youjust want to relax. It is fun because when you go with some bread you can feed the ducks and other birds but wach out for the seagulls.
This is my cuite little kookaburra I have named him burra. it is hard looking after a baby kookaburra you have to feed him a lot of seeds but a few days ago it was christmas and insted of seeds he ate lots and lots of chocolates so now he has to eat fruit and veg to keep him helthy. it takes a lot of love to keep a baby kookaburra so I have put together a couple of tips that can help you:
1. give your kookaburra lots of love
2. take your bird outside everyday
3. give your pet only seeds to eat but on special occasions you can feed them chocolates but not too many
4.get a small box and a blanket to sleep in
I hope these tips can help you to look after your kookaburra
It is almost Xmas! I love Christmas out of all the holidays Xmas is the best. the things I love about it is:
1. the food
2. the gifts
3. santa
4. family
I like school but every year near Xmas everyone has a big celebration and they have to leve school until next year. this is a photo of me last year with my get better center.